New Jersey

Home Inspection in New Jersey

Are you a buyer, seller, or real estate agent that needs a property inspection in New Jersey? If so, Arch Inspections is here to help. Located in Midland Park, NJ, we offer unparalleled home inspections in Bergen County, Passaic County, Hudson County, Essex County, Union County, Morris County, Middlesex County, Somerset County, and surrounding areas of Northern New Jersey and Central New Jersey. Request an appointment online or contact us today at (201) 298-3722 to schedule an appointment, or to receive a free quote.

As the largest independently owned real estate service company in New Jersey, we offer residential and commercial inspections, as well as several problem-specific assessments.

Residential and Commercial Inspections

If you’re on the market for a new home, it’s critical to schedule an inspection before signing on the dotted line. Your home inspector will assess the home’s condition, informing you of any current problems or future repairs you’ll have to make. This information will enable you to make a confident decision about which house in NJ is right for you and your family. Too often, we see homeowners try to hide issues from potential buyers; it’s our job to perform a home inspection that will ensure all information is available at the time of negotiations.

Request Your Home Inspection Now

(201) 298-3722

Our Specialty Services

In addition to detailed home inspections that review over 1,800 items from the foundation to the roof, we also provide the following services:

  • Termite Inspections: You may be able to see problem areas with an untrained eye, but do you know whether the property is infested with termites? Our termite inspectors know the places to look for termites, and we can recommend extermination services if needed.
  • Radon Inspections: Radon is silent, and the #2 cause for lung cancer. Testing your home for Radon will give you and your family the re-assurance of a safe home. you’re buying or selling a business building, our report can help you make an informed decision.
  • Structural Inspections:  Other home inspection companies typically send you to professionals, such as architects or engineers when encountering a structural issue. We do not.

Problem-Specific Inspections

Is your home or workplace suffering from a specific problem? If you suspect that mold, termites, or another irritant has taken up residence in your building, our inspections will provide answers and solutions.

Unfortunately, New Jersey is home to several different types of termites. According to the National Pest Management Association, termites do over $5 billion of property damage in the U.S. alone each year. These bugs are clearly more “threats” than “pests.” Our termite inspections will closely examine your home or business to see if you have termites. If we find them, we can also exterminate them.

At Arch Inspections, we comply with ASHIs Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. We also have insurance for general liability, E&O, and negligent liability.

To learn more about our services, from termite inspections, and various other home inspection services, read our customer reviews and our certifications for homeowners and home buyers. Contact us at (201) 298-3772 to make an appointment for a home inspection in New Jersey. You can also request an appointment online. We look forward to serving you.

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